Colds and other ailments are common in winter. Even when take precautions, we usually manage to “catch” something. Sadly, there are common spiritual ailments to which we are susceptible any time of year. God has provided a remedy for each one within the ultimate cure of salvation in Jesus Christ.
Grumps is a common ailment typically caused by an affront or setback.
Someone says or does something, or fails to do something, and we come down with an outbreak of grumps. Stress hormones surge, emotions swell up, our face may contort, and we become frustrated and sour. Our self-imposed misery can infect everyone around us.
We can also succumb to the grumps when God fails to deliver, so to speak. When God doesn’t understand the urgency of our hope or need, we mope. When our Divine Backer fails to see things our way and to act accordingly, our frustration can incubate into an attack of the grumps.
For a human affront, the cure is fairly straightforward. We can confront the one who has annoyed us, directly and promptly, speaking the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15, 26). Or we can forgive and patiently bear the quirk, foible, or failing that irked us (Ephesians 4:2).
In a quarrel with God, we can persist in our hope and prayer. And God may honor our tenacious faith (Genesis 18; Luke 18:1-8). More often, we need a stronger remedy: a deeper understanding of the character and purposes of God (Isaiah 55:8-9; Ephesians 6:14,17).
For a human altercation, an injection of care-frontation or forbearance is effective. In frustration with God, regular doses of the Word of God vaccinate us against misguided expectations. Our grumps can be cured; and we can break through to peace once again (2 Timothy 2:15; 4:2; Hebrews 4:12).

Colds and other ailments are common in winter. To the extent we can, we take precautions against them. Even so, we usually manage to “catch” something. There are spiritual ailments to which we are susceptible any time of year. Whether we are afflicted by Affluenza, Drift, Grumps, Lite-headedness, or Sensualitis, God has provided a remedy for every spiritual malady.