hope for churches in stress
Your donation empowers us
to come alongside churches in times of stress to encourage and equip for revitalized life and witness.
Make an online contribution
through PayPal.

contribute to barnabasinitiatives
three ways to give
Send your check by mail to:
Barnabas initiatives
P. O. Box 589
Elizabethtown, PA 17022
amazon smile
When you shop through Amazon, go first to smile.amazon.com. Select Barnabas Initiatives as the charity of your choice. 0.5% of all future purchases made through smile.amazon.com will go to Barnabas Initiatives.
Barnabas Initiatives is a tax exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, recognized by the IRS as an organization qualified to receive tax deductible contributions. A copy of the IRS determination letter granting Barnabas Initiatives 501(c)(3) tax exempt status is available upon request.
From our client churches, we ask for reimbursement for our expenses, but we do not assess a fee for our services. We encourage (but to not require) churches to consider making a contribution to assure we are able to keep providing our services. Some churches have based their contributions on the duration of our services (such as an amount per diem), or on what they believe the services would have cost if a fee had been charged, or simply gave what they could. But again, no contribution is required. Barnabas Initiatives receives reimbursements and contributions with gratitude, recognizing the challenge in this for churches that are financially stressed.