In what can only be described as a sovereign move of God, a single Brethren in Christ (BIC) church planting in Kendall, Florida has proliferated over a 30 year timespan into a vibrant church planting (and adopting) movement of 110 churches, 50 located in south Florida and another 60 in Latin America.
There are few written reports. This unfolding story exists primarily as oral history, retained only in the memories of first-hand participants. To share this remarkable testimony, the BIC Historical Society has endorsed a project to tell the story of the BIC in south Florida.
As funds are available, an initial research phase will involve interviews with key participants in the story. Each interview will be recorded and transcribed in both Spanish and English.
The successful completion of the research phase, along with additional funding, can open the way for a second phrase of the project: writing, editing, and revising a manuscript for a book.
A third and final phase could encompass translation, design, and publication of a book, available in English and Spanish. The project, in all three phases, could span one to three years, depending on the availability of funding.
To keep costs as low as possible, volunteers will be enlisted to help. People can also contribute to the project with a tax-deductible financial gift.
With this undergirding support, a team of storytellers can research, write, and publish the dynamic story of the BIC church-planting movement in South Florida and Latin America.