hope for churches in stress
The approach of Barnabas Initiatives is to identify and use local assets as the primary building blocks for new ventures and revitalized ministries.
The aim is to discern possibilities, garner information, identify partners, build ownership, gather essential resources, network with existing ministries, and mobilize a local team to build strong, sustainable endeavors for the future.
The team, which may be an existing leadership team or a specially formed team, will examine a stressed situation, imagine possible solutions, and spearhead grass-roots initiatives with the potential for transformative results.
The team will endeavor to build on the aspirations, insights and skills of local people. At times a team may mobilize the power and support of nearby churches and ministries. In every way possible, these collaborators will draw on existing community strengths to build strong, sustainable endeavors for the future.
The team will attempt new ventures in the spirit of the late Ralph Winter, founder of the U.S. Center for World Missions, who said, "Risks are not to be evaluated in terms of the probability of success but in terms of the value of the goal."
This strategy is supported by a growing movement, called asset-based community development (ABCD).